Who are members of the GAP?
The GAP members include individuals, organizations, and networks involved in sustainable urbanization and the sustainable management of urban spaces. New members are asked to pick the PCG that most corresponds to their field of expertise or the group that they represent, and no member can belong to more than one PCG.
Why should I join the GAP?
Join the GAP in order to become involved in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, or, if you already are, join the GAP in order to collaborate with others and ensure that your existing work is well-coordinated with and/or carried out in partnership with other organizations.
Who cannot join the GAP?
GAP members are people and organizations from stakeholder groups and constituencies, not UN Member States. While local and sub-national governments may join in the Local and Sub-National Authorities PCG, the GAP was created to bring the voices of those that are not a part of national governments and are not represented within the UN. Thus representatives of national governments are not eligible to join, although the GAP would welcome collaborations with them.
How do I join the GAP?
Join GAP by filling the application form to sign up. Your application to join will then be sent to the co-chairs of the PCG that you have applied to join and you will be added to their contact list and/or contacted with a response to your application.
Can a new PCG apply to join GAP?
Yes. Before applying to become a new PCG, please check that your constituency is not already included in another existing PCG. (For example, “Artists” would be included in “Trade Unions and Workers,” ”Architects” would be included in “Professionals,” etc.)
What would I do as a member of GAP?
You would collaborate with new colleagues on work and projects related to the implementation of the New Urban Agenda or coordinate your existing work in the space of sustainable urbanization and sustainable development with other organizations and actors.
What gaps is GAP filling?
GAP welcomed Habitat Agenda Partners, individual urban experts, and many groups traditionally not involved in UN processes, and it served to bridge a divide between the Habitat Agenda Partners who were involved in Habitat II and the major groups that are involved in other UN processes. It also has added new specifically relevant groups, bringing in all interested actors, and focuses on urban partnerships relevant for housing and sustainable urban development issues. GAP plays a key role to unify stakeholders and ensure that their mobilization did not end in Quito but will continue towards the realization of the vision of the New Urban Agenda.
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